

TV, radio, speaking and consulting. Consult in strategy and communications in healthcare.

celebrity doctor author ginni mansberg

Aside from my practice in Sydney’s south, I'm an author with five books under my belt. I have also worked extensively as a speaker, columnist, podcaster, media commentator and on TV. I’m the resident GP on Channel 7’s Sunrise, as well as the host of Embarrassing Bodies Down Under and Medicine or Myth. I’m also an entrepreneur with a cosmeceutical skincare company, Evidence Skincare and am a board director and consultant.

I'm Available For:


  • Keynotes & Workshops
  • MC & Event Hosting
  • Panel Moderation or Participation
  • Consulting


I'm a regular speaker on health and wellness throughout Australia. Highly respected and regarded Doctor in Australia and available for speaking engagements on any topic regarding health and wellness. I'm a physician, entrepreneur, director, columnist, media commentator, author, former political advisor and speaker. Always lively and entertaining, interactive, knowledgeable, compassionate, I speak on a number of topics for audiences from 20 to 500. Should you like me, to speak at your function, event or via Webinar, please please find the 'contact' option below and I will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss your requirements.



Apart from being a GP with a busy practice in Sydney’s Sans Souci, I am also an entrepreneur, Director, TV presenter, podcaster, columnist, media commentator, author, former political advisor and speaker. Combining these experiences with qualifications in medicine (B.MED University of Newcastle), communications (Grad Dip Journalism UTS Sydney), and governance (Australian Institute of Company Directors) I consult in strategy and communications in the healthcare space. I have experience in both B to C and B to B strategies utilizing new media and traditional communication platforms.


"When we looked for an expert GP to join our panel, Dr Ginni Mansberg was our first choice. Her expert knowledge, practical advice and humorous delivery made her stand out speaker at our Trust Your Gut roadshow events. As a key opinion leader and panellist, Ginni delivered our key messages in her relatable style to help break down the stigma around gut health and bowel cancer. Ginni was also a firm audience favourite and a delight to work with."